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Nice idea and good job! I really liked the color and visuals of the first room. But I like very colorful stuff. And I liked the surprise story twist at the end.

Thanks very much for playing.

I liked the music choices in this game. The story I thought had a nice little surprise at the end.

It's pretty straight forward and easy Christmas jam game to follow. Gameplay-wise, it offers an array of skills, but I mostly spammed Counter + Solid Counter and the bosses never really ended up hitting me.

Note: There is a bug when talking to Emily from the bottom. The game freezes.

Thank you for giving it a try!

Huh, I hadn't thought Counter would have been that apealling to spam (unless you were low on health) but I guess it was.  I probably should have made them cost more TP.

I guess I hadn't noticed the bug, thanks for telling me.

This is a fun short game with snappy dialogue and what feels like a pretty deep battle system. Interior mapping needs work, shrink those room way down and I think they'll look better and feel more interesting. You have a few typos/grammar errors but otherwise the story and the writing are done really well and I love the ending. I think you made something unique with the theme and combined it with turn based combat. I know it was all made in a short amount of time and it's hard to adhere to the time limit but I think you did a really good job.

Thank you very much for trying the game, and the compliments.
I see what you mean about the rooms in hindsight, the maps were one of the first things I did and when I realized it wasn't time-efficient to put more into them it was much later.
Trying to make somewhat funny/interesting writing was one of my main goals here, the second to test a combat idea that clearly takes some inspiration from fighting games.

Watching the video, I realize I should have made it clear that Carol would be healed between battles, and that healing otherwise would not be in the game . . .

Still, thanks again, very much.